Live Fearlessly

I’ve shared it before but want to remind you: faith and fear cannot co-exist. It’s a simple thing to say but so much more challenging as we grow older to actually live live in faith over fear when experience has shown life to not always be very pleasant.

I've operated from fear a lot in my life. And every time I have, it has gone horribly wrong. When I shift my perspective to faith, I am reminded how powerful I truly am.

Often times people operate on faith because they don't even know any better. Children are a great example of this. My daughter is fearless around snakes and lizards while they creep me out and I can be sent into a tailspin at the thought of having to touch one. However, I wanted to be sure that as a parent, I didn't push my fears onto my child. So, when we saw snakes and lizards at the zoo or in the wild, we would talk about how fascinating they were....all the while feeling like my skin would crawl off me because they freaked me out so much. My daughter will pick up any type of reptile and has researched everything about them from a certain snake's diet to the smallest lizard's habitat. Everything about them is precious and joyous for her. When she was four we went to a snake show and she was the only one in the audience who even knew the kind of snake on display that she got to come up and assist the animal handlers.

We can all learn from the eagerness and faith of a child. Children don't operate in fear because they don't have experience in it. It is a learned trait. As adults, we must unlearn it in many aspects of our lives from relationships to following our passion as a living. Below is a video of a little girl we can all be inspired by. This little girl is a great example of living fearlessly! Enjoy!