Lemonade Anyone?

Lama Surya Das once said, “Gratitude is my favorite prayer.”

Finding gratitude in life can sometimes be a challenge when we are handed lemons instead of a refreshing glass of lemonade. Even as a yoga teacher, I find it hard to be grateful and find the lesson in something in all that comes my way. However, if it weren’t for those sour moments we encounter, would life be as sweet? Probably not.

I’ve had my fair share of letdowns, meltdowns and run-arounds. I’ve made mistakes and have a past checkered with less than stellar decisions, reactions and experiences. But I’ve also worked hard, been persistent and decided that I would keep getting up no matter how many times I was knocked down.

In my late twenties, my life fell apart. I was laid off from my dream job, and I was severely injured when I was hit by a car on my bike. These events were the catalyst of additional personal, professional and financial hardships. There were times in which getting out of bed was an accomplishment. I felt as if I had hit rock bottom and was devastated. But guess what? From rock bottom, the only way to go is up.

Finding gratitude in my life for the accomplishments I achieved while I was down may have been as simple as getting out of bed on certain days but the love and support I had from friends and family and the tiny light I could see at the end of the tunnel brought me through it all. Some days are rockier than others, but I can always look back at what I endured and feel pride in finding my way. Now, I get to look back and say, "I did that. I can do anything." And so we keep taking steps forward and realize we've had a cool glass of lemonade in our hands for much longer than we remember.

When life throws lemons your way, have every faith you can squeeze some lemonade out, no matter what.