Fear Vs Faith

A wise teacher once quoted in a yoga class, "Fear and faith cannot co-exist." I have echoed these words in my own teachings and follow them into meditation when I'm struggling to find a direction to take. What is the underlying reasoning for WHY I choose the path I take? What conflict am I feeling and is it based in fear, or faith when I think about the outcome. 

Anyone who knows me, knows I leap and trust the net will appear. I rarely have a backup plan. To some, especially those friends who err on the side of caution, this seems idiotic. To me, having an alternative plan means I'm not focused enough on my master plan. Some see me throwing myself into one venture as not thought out, haphazard or even, and I've heard it, impulsive. Impulsivity is never meant as a compliment and I am farthest from impulsive. What I have instead is better - FAITH. When fear isn't even in the picture, it's easier to make a decision for the RIGHT reasons and very clear when it comes to following the heart. 

Jim Carrey speaks so effortlessly on the subject and I find this video to be incredibly moving and a little peptalk of sorts. What I find even more motivating is that he's not preaching from some status of someone who hasn't walked in the shoes of some who may feel he's on a high horse. He has been homeless, a much worse demise than many of us will ever know, and worked hard to chase his dreams. He didn't wait for his dreams to find him, nor did he have a plan if it didn't work out. He made it happen because he didn't have any other way for it to happen. And I take comfort in knowing more people are operating in faith than ever before.